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Superflows Button

The SuperflowsButton React component is a button which open a Superflows chatbot as either a sidebar or modal.


It can be imported with:

import { SuperflowsButton } from "@superflows/chat-ui-react";


superflowsApiKey string Required

The API key for your Superflows account. It starts sfk-. You can find this in the Superflows dashboard.

superflowsUrl string

The URL of the Superflows deployment. This defaults to the cloud deployment, but if you're self-hosting, or connecting to a local deployment, you'll need to change this.

Also, if using an API Gateway, set this to the URL of the API Gateway.

AIname string

The name of the AI shown in the sidebar window. It doesn't affect the behaviour of the AI.

userApiKey string

The API key for the user to access your API.

Superflows calls your API to answer questions for your user. As a result, this is required if your API requires an API key to access it. This is never stored on our servers or in our databases.

userDescription string

With each API request, you can provide a description of the user who is asking the question, any useful information for accessing your API (e.g. user id) and instructions on how to address them.

suggestions string[]

An array of suggestions to show in the sidebar. These are shown as buttons, and when clicked, the user input is set to the text of the button.

welcomeText string

Welcome text to be displayed to the user from the assistant. When set it will appear as though the chat assistant has written this message. For example, "Hi, welcome to Acme AI, how may I help you today?"

api_params type below (optional) default true

This enables API-specific information to be set in code. This allows multi-tenant hosting (i.e. changing the hostname of the API depending on the customer/user), and setting headers in API calls through code.

This is an array of objects, each object corresponding to an API that Superflows needs access to. These APIs must first be added to the Superflows dashboard.

Each object consists of:

  • name string Required

    The name of the API. This is used to identify the API. Must match the API name in the Superflows dashboard.

  • hostname string (optional)

    This overrides the hostname of the API. This allows multi-tenant hosting: changing this value based on which customer is logged in allows you to route requests to the correct API host.

    E.g. Customer 1 has hostname and customer 2 has hostname When customer 1 is logged in, the hostname is set to, and all requests are sent to that.

  • headers { [headerName: string]: string } (optional)

    The headers to be sent with all requests made to this API. This allows customer-specific headers to be set in code.


name: "API name",
hostname: "",
headers: { "cookie": "cookie-value" },

mockApiResponses boolean

This toggles mocking API responses, like you can in the playground.

When set to true, all responses from your API are mocked. This can be useful for testing purposes. Set to false when in production.


type?: "modal" | "sidebar";
solidIcon?: boolean;
slideoverSide?: "right" | "left";
buttonColor?: string;
headerBackgroundColor?: string;
headerTextColor?: string;

This allows you to set basic aspects of the style of the Superflows sidebar. This will be expanded to allow much deeper customization in the future.

type sets whether the Superflows chat opens as a modal or a sidebar. This is set to modal by default.

solidIcon sets whether the icon is solid or outlined. This is set to false by default.

slideoverSide sets which side of the screen the sidebar opens on. Set "right" if you want it to open on the right hand side of the screen.

buttonColor sets the colour of the submit button.

headerBackgroundColor sets the colour of the header of the sidebar.

headerTextColor sets the colour of the text on the header of the sidebar.

textBelowInput string (optional)

Text to be displayed below the input box in the chat window. This can be used to provide additional information to the user.

You can include links using Markdown format [link text](

Superflows-button with text below input

debugMode boolean (optional) default false

We recommend you temporarily set this to true when implementing Superflows in your frontend. When set, this runs extra checks on the backend to ensure you've set things up optimally.

devMode boolean (optional) default false

This enables developer mode. This is useful for debugging, but should always be set to false in production.

showFunctionCalls boolean (optional) default false

Set to false by default. Whether to show function calls in the chat window. This can be useful with more technical users to let them check the data the AI answered them with.

Showing function calls:

Chat window with function calls shown

Not showing function calls:

Chat window with function calls not shown

enableSpeech boolean (optional) default true

Set to true by default. Whether to enable the user to input commands via speech. Speech requires granting the browser permission to use the microphone.

speechLanguage string (optional) default en

The language that the speech recognition should detect. The language codes accepted are outlined here.

Requires enableSpeech to be set to true

buttonStyling string

This allows you to set the class name of the button. This allows you to style the button however you like.

(note: if you set this, you must set the height and width of the button in the classes)

initialMessage string

An initial message to "pre-prompt" the AI. When set, on page load this message is programmatically sent to the AI as though the user entered the text into the chat window. Both the initial message and the response from the AI will be visible to the user in the chat window.

(note: this message is sent regardless of whether the sidebar is open)